My Low-Poly Dinosaur modeling progress(completed dino legs only)

Here is my model of the low-poly dinosaur so far…

This seems a little complicated because I had to frequently stop the video in order to adjust the legs in the right position to match the reference photos. Also the photos above was rendered from my CPU rather than from a GPU because my old graphics card is being replaced with a new one that I got as a X-Mas gift, but still awaiting for the DVI cable that is required for the new one to be used, so excuse the darkness in the renders.


Making good progress.

OK. Just got my new graphics card installed on my eight year old PC after getting my new DVI cable for the monitor. Also just finished modeling the face as well as the arms, so here is my render capture through my new powerful graphics card!

And here’s a close up view of the dino’s face.


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