My local greeting and other Number Wizard dialog

Number Wizard opening, seasoned to taste, and hopefully formatted properly for the forums here to see.

    Debug.Log("Hey there! Welcome to Number Wizard, a guessing game where you pick a number and I guess it.");
    Debug.Log("Please pick a number. A rational number, if you please. Keep it in your head! Not like you can tell me anyway; I don't have any input boxes!");
    Debug.Log("The number should be no higher than " + maxguess + " because that seems like a decent ceiling.");
    Debug.Log("Also, your number should be no lower than " + minguess + " because guessing anything below that would end in catastrophe.");
    Debug.Log("First, let's begin with " + guess + "! Tell me if your number is higher or lower than " + guess + ".");
    Debug.Log("Push the Up Key if it is higher, the Down Key if it is lower, and when I guess correctly press the Enter Key to let me know!");
    Debug.Log("Hopefully it isn't actually " + guess + " or this is going to be a very short game.");
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