My little forest girl

Hi! After anime character course I decide to make some chibi character. Here’s results :). I didn’t really focus at materials, but I hope it doesn’t look bad.


I really like her hair, it’s quite complex but turned out very nicely. It’s one of the harder things to get right in my opinion so well done.

The eyes don’t show any white which makes them look a little weird for a human, not sure if that was intended. It is a very animal look but since this is some kind of dryad it might be what you wanted.

There are some shading “glitches” on her face, the most visible one directly under her mouth. This is a topology issue. Though I can’t give direct advice on how to fix it without seeing the mesh, it could be caused by having triangles instead of quads or loops being too tight.

I know you said that you didn’t put too much effort into materials but using just a smidge of subsurface scattering would go a long way. You want to set the subsurface colour to pure red and set the slider to something like 0.1 in the principled shader. It’s literally this simple, takes maybe 5 seconds and will immediately make skin look more natural and less like plastic.


Looks amazing. The hair looks so intricate. How long did it take?


Great little creature. Very nice hair of that stylised type.


Thank you a lot for your feedback! Now I see, that there some triangles in mesh, there shouldn’t be. And I tried play with colors a little. It’s so huge difference with your tip :o. Thanks, I will deffinetly do more with materials in my next project. :slight_smile:


Thank you :).
Honestly, I have no idea. I’m learning blender after work and I try to dedicate at least an hour a day to it. So I think all took mi something like 5/6 hour. Hair something like half hour. I used this method Easiest Way To Create EVERY Stylized Hair In Blender Tutorial - Straight + Braid + Curly Hair - YouTube


Thank You :slight_smile:

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Very nice! I’d agree with the eyes being a little scary haha.

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Haha :smiley: thank You :).

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