My Lecture 50 progress

Hi everyone,

I just finished watching lecture 50.
Here is my progress…

I first wanted to explore the shapes one by one. Also, I wanted to try subdivide modifier on the ıcosphere as well.

Trying to select the appropriate sphere was like a roller coaster ride, because I always doubt that Mikey will show us a much more magical way of doing something.

However I also thought the icosphere was looking better for our case. :raised_hands:

Thanks for reading :smile:
And have a nice day :stars:


There is always this one. :grin:

One day it will have a use!



Well… Of course there is… :laughing: :laughing:

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Designers are looking for loops. Which makes it easy to add more details. But basically, when doing it the right way. There is no difference in how you started the build a sphere. Only what the intention will be, to start with a specific sphere. Don’t worry too much. You will get the understanding later, by practice and experience.

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