My learning experience from a beginner

I have never done coding before even tough I have always wanted to try it.

The main thing I learnt is that if something is not working write, there is a code error and you need to check for the little things.

I had two small errors that stopped the game running, one was a ; in a wrong place and the other was forgetting to add the ( ) around a bolan statement.

I hope to get better but I have learnt so much from where I started and it is explained very well and I find it is easy to pick up the knowledge.

I only got stuck ones on the dry section as I didn’t understand that I needed to use the name of variable to crate a method, I was stuck in a mental loop thinking I had to use float like in the example instead on my mind moving onto to using Keycode and vector2 variables to create the methods.

someone should develop software where the code does the ; and () for you :stuck_out_tongue:

Yes but that is part of debugging and I learnt from my error :slight_smile:

How are you doing?


I started this course last night so, I don’t know much… yet :wink:

Well I started it yesterday as a complete beginner so if you get stuck give me a shout and maybe we can work out the problem together.

Sounds like a plan :slight_smile:

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Syntax can be tricky but becomes second nature pretty quick. Well done for starting from scratch, that’s awesome!

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Of course, that seems like it would be a good idea, but in reality, it’s far better to have compilers that do what you tell than to than compilers which try to guess what you want them to do. I can imagine perfectly viable code where a concerned compiler might consider adding syntax you don’t want.

All in all, I’m just happy that we have modern compilers that are pretty good at letting us know when we’ve made syntactical errors. Can you imagine if the compilers could take expected input and output values and let you know where your logical errors are? Of course, at that point, we’re getting a lot closer to self-programming AI…and nobody around here wants Skynet, yes?

Agreed on all points.

Syntax highlighting gets us pretty close to that, though. Different elements display in different colors on screen, and over time, in very general terms, this will start to tell you what the computer thinks your code means. You’ll get a vague sense of “something is wrong” when the colors aren’t what you expected. That tends to come about when the problem is a missing semicolon, quotation mark, bracket, parenthesis, etc.

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