published on our platform,
would love to get your opinions
Nice job! My initial impressions:
- Music was pumpin’
- I noticed the subtle animations on the powerups - nice touch!
- Speaking of powerups, very well-implemented. I liked that fact that the enemies at the very top gave better rewards since they are harder to kill
- What about introducing a difficulty ramp? Enemies seem too hard to kill at first. Maybe slowly increase enemy HP to a max threshold over 2-3 minutes? Or introduce “Elite class” enemy variants
- The same formations over and over started to get monotonous after a minute or two - adding more paths / variations could definitely help here
- The sound is good, but the explosion sounds especially crunchy, almost too distorted - occasionally when multiple explosions sound at once it caused the audio to clip
- Adding variance to the sounds would help a lot - both adding multiple clips to pull from for the same sound, and also adding a bit of random delay and random pitch helps sounds to blend together better
- UI looks very polished
- The powerups seem to be based solely on RNG - it might be cool to reward the player with better powerups after they have accrued N kills etc. - could even add special rewards if the player has killed N ships without taking any hits, etc. - reward the player for their expertise!
- Movement feels balanced - both the player and enemy ships
- Interspersing the gameplay with a boss or two every other minute or so could really help to spice up the gameplay
Overall very nice job! Love the additional features you added that weren’t in the tutorial. Especially the cooldown timer on powerups - that was super intuitive.
Thank you very much for the detailed review I will look into all of what you said. The sound issue actually bothered me a lot so thanks for the tip and I look into it.
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