My Laser Defender Game

Finally completed this project and uploaded it - had a lot of fun and a lot of frustration making it :rofl:
I noticed a small bug after the upload, but spent enough time on this so I’m going to move on to the next section now.

Check it out at the link below:


Amazing game! I had a lot of fun with it, personally loved that you took the time to make everything feel different, destroying one of those big ships felt really rewarding.


Thank you for taking the time to try it out, really appreciate it!

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Nice game! The graphics are very good, I love the explosions and the details like the little explosions when a laser hits an enemy but does not destroy it. I very much like the font, can you tell me which one that is? I’m sticking with 8 bit graphics until I learn some art skills :sweat_smile: and this fits quite nicely.

Also, a nice surprise when you get the weapon upgrade :smiley:


Thank you, much appreciated!
The font is called “Spaceboy” - found on the “dafont” site:

I agree about the art style though - I’ve always loved Pixel art, I used free assets for this project though.
I bought Aseprite on Steam and will be getting my hands dirty creating my own assets for the next section of the course… will see how that goes :grimacing: :blush:

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this is super fun!


Wow nice game! Still have to beat the boss, tough cookie it is.


It’s a fun game. You did a good job with it!


Could you tell, please, where did you take VFX for explosions? Or you made them on your own?
They are amazing! The game feels fresh and neet. I like it very much!

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I’m glad you liked it!
I just played around with the particle system in Unity until I ended up with this result.
The only asset I used on the explosion that I did not create myself was the actual sprite that I used to create the Renderer Material - I used a sprite from a free asset pack I found on the Unity Asset store -

The sprite I used is just named “Explosion” in this pack.

I don’t think you even need to use it specifically to get the same result, because the individual particles of each explosion is so ridiculously small that I doubt it matters.

But good luck anyway - happy devving! :yum:

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