My: "Laser Defender", and Text Adventure: "Ben Wakes up from a Coma"

dl;dr click the first link to play laser defender, or my text adventure.

So, I have my own website I use for posting builds for a game I started making after I finished a few Udemy Unity 2d Courses. After working on this game a while, I realized my coding was really bad, and went back to continue the course where I left off. I’m glad I did because so far, I’ve learned a lot to make my code better, and easier to understand.

I decided to start uploading some of the games I made from the tutorials, so made a page for that:

“Laser Defender”, has powerups, a mini boss, and awesome music by my roommate.

I also uploaded the text adventure, “Ben Wakes up from a Coma”. Which I made about a year ago. I had a lot of fun getting creative when making it, it’s pretty wild actually.

My website also has the latest version of the game “Rechrysalis”, I’m designing. And a link to the Rechrysalis discord, which I will try to keep updated when I remember. You can check those out too, if you want.

I plan to add more games I make from tutorials to that page, as I make them. So if you want to be updated when I add them, feel free to join my discord.

Thanks for checking this out! And thanks Ben and Rick, for making this course so easy to learn from!


Awesome job with both of your games! Keep up the incredible work!

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