My lamp is posing

Hi, Guys!
Well, this is my render. did spend some time(might too much) to play with the rendering options.
I am not sure yet how to clear the noise on the pictures but hopefully, I will learn this shortly as well!
Noticed it is there most of the time when a surface is glossy.



You made it through section 5, wow. And I’m still only halfway through.

I am not sure yet how to clear the noise on the pictures

What Blender version do you have? That denoise tool doesn’t helps? I actually don’t see any noise at all.
The light and shadow from the lamps are a bit strange though, guess you are using too big area lights. And on picture 1 light doesn’t seems to be coming from the lamp.

Not finished with section 5 just yet. About to do the animation. I meant the noise when I zoom in the picture and like the outer circle of the light on the floor or inside the lamp. And yes looks like I placed the light source behind something on the first picture. I am using v2.79.

If the de-noise feature isn’t helping enough try reducing the number of bounces for your light paths.

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Nice work! I’m starting the section 4 and I can’t wait to go through this part!

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