My Lamp Animation

Really really struggled with the animation. I found it very difficult to give the right impression in 240 frames.

The lamp was supposed to be sleepy in the first few “nods of its head” but due to the time constraints in the video itself I found that just impossible to represent properly. It would have been good to have much more time to that, but I had already cheated and put in 300 frames instead of the 120 we were supposed to give.

Theres also some artifacts showing in the backdrop with I guess would be best solved with further subdivision.

I’ve also had to subdivide when @Michael_Bridges was removing vertices as the render didn’t look smooth.

On the positive side, I’ve learned about using the dope sheet and the graph editor to make the ball animate in a linear fashion.

Anyway pretty happy with it regardless. It was taking arround 1.5 minutes a frame and Its 300 frames.

My favourite still from the animation is:

I feel that this gives the best view of the model detail.

Anyway please feel free to let me know what you think. What needs improving?



Great work! Nice amount of details and choice of colours.

The Lamp shade itself could do with a few more verts- probably with the Subsurf- you can see some shading artefacts- just remember that the modifier has separate view and render settings :slight_smile:

Yeah the problem with subdivide is that its changing the shape of the shade. That shade has a flat top area, I did try subdivide with “simple” but it obviously wasn’t enough.

Any advise on how to add verts without changing the overall shape would be really appreciated.

You were almost there, you’ll need to add in a couple of loop cuts as well too or a beveled edge, or edge crease and then the lamp will retain the shape you desire :slight_smile:

Wow! Great work, is the golf ball actually rolling or does it slide in?

Sorry it wasn’t origionally meant to be a golf ball. I forgot to put on smooth shading.

I didn’t do any rolling, I just slid it in. it was easier.

Thanks for your kind words.

Good job with the animation, you gave the lamp some life. :slight_smile:

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