My Island - Blender Environment

Hey everyone,
Finished my castle. And thanks Grant for another epic course!

(Can you find the Pleiades? They appeared by chance - a random generator has built them)

I have also played with some techiques to build the scene.
Sky and sea are Geometry nodes.
Most textures are either generated (like walls) or have a lot of generated changes: roofs, rocks and so on. And yes, water makes the bottom lines of rocks and boat wet :slight_smile:

(Painted texture on the chimney adds smoke and brick holes depending on color channel)

I experimented with different tree techniques. The dead three and the pines are made after the course, the whining willow is a grease pencil tree (from the 2.8 Mike’s course), and the bushy oak is a cheaty Saple Tree add-on.


Beautiful outcome. Tons of details. Which makes it enjoyable to watch and explore.
The moonlight could be more ‘moonlight’, but that’s hard to do. Maybe using blackbody color temperature.

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It looks amazing!

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Very nice indeed great work, effective texturing.

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Thank you guys, I really appreciate your feedback <3

@FedPete hmm it’s an interesting idea, I should try it and fiddle with the light settings

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Yeah, the “Cold full moon” is difficult to realize. IRL it’s a bright directed ray that casts very distinct shadow. In Blender it needs more lights anyway because it steals all details.
And I had already my blackbody color set to blue and almost black. So I lowerred the beam shape spread (using area light) and adjusted colors in composition. Here’s what I got now:

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