I just started adding shaders to see what happened. I still amaze me what Blender can do sometimes.
And I side view with the shaders of the lens underneath it:
I just started adding shaders to see what happened. I still amaze me what Blender can do sometimes.
And I side view with the shaders of the lens underneath it:
Blender is cool software! Issue is it is so cool what it can do it can be hard to find all the cool parts! Great Eye!
Thank you yes, that is why this course is so helpfull!
Btw, if you add the shaders on the image, you can rotate the image on the eye later on. the white reflection on the pupil makes the bunny look in a specific direction. Really handy
Cycles nodes can create some great effects! I still struggle with what nodes I need to do what and where they all plug in effectively. I stumbled across this video while searching for something else and decided it was worth saving. It talks about setting up a materials library (I think Michael talks about it the Fluffy Bunny section) but I sorta have stalled on that section at the moment. I am working on a different course till I can make myself come back to Michael’s class. It might be helpful to you for later. Blender Tutorial: Material Library