I am having trouble unwrapping my iris so that only the Iris is textured and not the last segment around the outside of the iris. I have tried selecting the segments of the iris that I want to unwrap and assigning them the map. I have selected the outer segments that I don’t want assigned and deselected them. But, no matter what I do I always get 4 partial irises in the area of the iris mesh that should not have anything on them. Mike’s iris shows the iris being in the inner 2 sections of the iris and the last outer section as having no texture. I can’t find a way to do that.
Any suggestions?
I got this figured out. I just started the eye over and remapped the UV image. This time it worked. Now my problem is when I do the node tree for the eye. My Eye Mask shows only black. It is not transparent or glass like. It is just a black spot where the iris should be. My node tree looks like Mike’s example but I am not getting the see through to the underlying Iris. That was a days worth of work with no good results. AARRGGHH
Here are 2 pictures. The first is only rendered in the rendered mode in Blender and the second is a full render (F12).
I don’t know why but the full render shows everything correct but the Render Mode version shows the black area where there should be an iris. Hmmm…
I had the same problem in the bunny section. I’m still not sure why it happened but when the brightness (I tried various brightness levels in photoshop) was increased enough on the iris texture it finally showed up in render mode. It never occurred to me to try rendering the texture and see if it worked that way.