My Interesting Pseudocode

Hello friends and community :smiley:
Please kindly read my pseudocode and let me know what you think :slight_smile:

    // print welcome message
    // set hidden word
    // set lives
    // check isogram
    // if isogram YES
        // check hidden word with input
        // if same
            // increase level
            // print level
            // print win message
            // go update hidden word
            // guess next word
        // if not same 
            // +(1) here it is simillar with bellow
    // if isogram NO
        // print not isogram
        // calculate same letters
        // print same letters
        // +(1) here it is simillar with bellow
    // +(1) if lose    
        // show hidden word
        // calculate number of word difference ( input v/s target )
        // -- lives
        // if == 0 live 
            // print goodbye message
            // prompt for new game, Prompt to play again
        // else
            // print lives and lose but not goodbye message
            // go update hidden word
            // guess again

Thats Pretty Cool! I like the amount of detail there is for every player input!
One thing to note though is that its kindof hard to read without the code itself.
Great job though!!

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