My initial notes

Not all that experienced with WOT or any tank games (My only experience with tanks is in Battlefield) but i’ve played enough to get an idea of the game mechanics in general


  • Forward and Backward Movements are controlled by W and S keys (Much like FPS)
  • You can turn the tank left or right with the A or D keys
  • You can actually set cruise control on the tank with with the R or F key for fowards and backwards respectively
  • You can switch between primary and secondary weapon with the mouse wheel


  • Elements in the terrain can provide cover for the player
  • Smoke system can be engaged
  • Obnoxious audio effects for firing
  • Reloading sound effect
  • Lots of explosions
  • The physics in the game are such that you can feel the mass of the tank and its inertia

Challenges for battletanks:

  • Nailing the maneuverability of the tanks, you wouldn’t want it to be as agile as a superbike
  • Projectile motion of the artillery (Newtonian Physics).
  • The fun of being able to plow a tank through objects like trees or houses
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