My Humble Interpretation - Project Boost

Here is a link to my first game ever.

Project Boost - Unity 3D Game Course

4 Levels
A - Turn Left
D - Turn Right
SPACE BAR - Rocket Thrust
ESC - Quit (although ESC on the WebGL build just seems to pause)

After completing the entire course this is definitely one I’d like to come back and expand upon.

Play Here


That was quite a challenging one, well done!

Maybe add a timer for the levels and a reward system? For example 1-3 stars, depending on how long it takes to reach the exit.

Thank you for the feedback, I appreciate it! :+1:

I have made a note of your suggestions for the next version.


Hey, I tried your game. It looks good. Nice choice of assets, and some good design there. Unfortunately I’m not good enough at it! But still: nice work.

Game plays really well. You could make the background music/soundscape continue playing without stopping and starting on every level. Be a good learning exersise for you.

That’s a good idea…thanks for checking it out and for the feedback!

Thank you for the feedback!

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