My Goals: A Persistent Interactive Portfolio

Hi! I’m a student at UMass Amherst following this course with the ultimate goal of getting into game dev as a career. I’ve had some form of this idea in my head for about six months now. I’d love to make some kind of interactive, playable portfolio that recruiters or developers could download and virtually view my credentials by walking around in a shared space with anyone else that happens to be online (with a chat feature). I do anticipate some challenges and potential issues with this project as I currently envision it, though:

  1. Is it worth it? Is my time better spent elsewhere on a more interesting or demanding project?
  2. Is it redundant? I already have all of my information on LinkedIn, Handshake, GitHub, etc., so I will need to find a way to differentiate this project from those platforms, perhaps gamifying it more or using screengrabs from those places.

I think I will pursue this project, though, in some form. I’m sure it will evolve and change as I go and perhaps, as I mentioned earlier, I could make an entire game with really robust controls and mechanics which feels good to play that is, at the same time, a showcase of my work. Even then, I’m sensing a conflict between even needing to make it multiplayer at all and the experience I’m now describing. So we’ll see!

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So, you’re basically talking like a gallery of your Portfolio, work etc. Most people out there use a YouTube showreel as a starting point but this could be different and interesting. I’m not sure if I’ve seen anything used in this manner before.

Good luck.

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