– Concept, rules and requirements
— Concept
---- This is a two-versus-two tank game where the player with their Mortar - AI or player controlled - will match up against an opposing tank and mortar - player controlled or AI controlled - on an

enclosed terrain.
— Rules
---- Winning conditions
----- Tank on opposing team is destroyed
----- Mortars can receive 2 hits before being destroyed
----- Tanks can receive 4 hits before being destroyed
— Requirements
---- Tank movement (tank, turret, barrel)
---- Mortar movement (turret, barrel)
---- Muzzle flash and white smoke when firing
---- Explosions when hitting ground and rock - flash, dirt particles, and dissipating black smoke
---- Explosions when hitting Mortars and Tanks - flash, fire, and dissipating black smoke (fire and persistent smoke on lethal hit)
---- Player controlled mortar (both teams)
---- Player controlled tank (both teams)
---- Sound effects: tank movement, turrent movement, barrel movement, engine, gun firing, hit exposion on tank and mortar, hit explosion on ground
---- Terrain
----- enclosed by steep mountains
----- uneven terrain within the enclosure
------ hills, valleys and rock formations for cover

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