I Have several list of things to do most of it is code related, like add in automatic calculation of max with image, currently if i change the make stamina to 4 and don’t add another image to Unity for this, then things break. There are somethings that I would like to add like dialog and quest. I am also thinking about changing the character to a 4 or 8 directional character and adding some other polish to the game, is a game really a game without sound effects / background music and a start menu?
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Just my notes from trying it out. The first ghosts I see have such a fast and difficult spray attack; I could not make it around them without dying as soon as I got too close. I found a npc in the house after I respawned, but I could not interact with them, not sure if I could. After I died, I could not walk off screen away from the house, the camera did not follow my character.
I look forward to seeing more growth and changes on this!
There is no interaction with the NPC.
Thank you for lettting me know that the Camera did not follow the character after re-spawning. I will have to look into that.
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