My Game! "Birds are food not friends!"

Let me know if you run into any bugs or think it could use some tweaks. I only made 5 levels. I will definitely elaborate on it in my free time but for now it works.


Nice game James.

Here’s a handy function you could attach to your quit button that changes the tab URL, effectively quitting the game. By default it directs to a blank tab but you could send it any URL.

One very good alternative would be to either a portfolio page of other games you have made, or, a feedback page where your players can provide you with some critique :slight_smile:

…or, of course, don’t display the Quit button at all for WebGL builds :slight_smile:

Thanks for the tips guys! It’ll be good to keep in mind once i get further along and have more to show. I don’t really have much to fill a portfolio page with. Once i know enough to start dabbling on my own games that link to a review page will be nice.

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Just as a heads-up then James, is’s hosting offering, but it’s fairly limited on features. If you were to take a look at it has a wealth of features and a lot can be used for free. You can effectively have a page there which will list all of your games, so potentially, as you create your games in this course, if you create WebGL builds for example, you could upload them to for other’s to enjoy and at the same time build that portfolio.

Just for info, not trying to rush you :slight_smile:

Thanks! I’ll definitely look into doing that. I have all my WebGL builds saved to my computer so I might as well look into putting them on site like that.

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They will last longer than the 30 days too, and you’ll have a better reference to them, rather than the GUID… :slight_smile:

Haha true. I was just checking it out. I know the sharemygame is not compatible with mobile devices. Is different? Or is it the WebGL build that is specifically not compatible with mobile? The reason I ask is because it would be cool to share these things with my friends, but not one of them has an actual computer lol.

It’s likely to be the WebGL side of things that you’ll run into problems with via mobile devices.

However, with, you could also upload versions of your game for people to download too, definitely do-able with a Windows game, not 100% sure on an .apk, you’d need to check.

You could of course go the whole-hog and push them to the app store(s) :slight_smile:

Thanks! I’ll look into how I go about doing that.

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You’re very welcome :slight_smile:

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