My game behaviour is different when run outside of the Unity editor

my project is working properly, when I play game in project and in first scene when i click play button it loads to next scene[core game] in core game when i click that’s it[success] button it loads to end scene . but when I click on build and run and when I play it it starts with made with unity then after i click play button it loads core game scene but when i click that’s it [success] button it does not the end scene.
My project is working properly but my game is not working properly.


Could you share your project files so we can have a look.

The forum will support uploads of up to 10mb, if your zipped project files are larger than this please use a service such as Google Drive or Dropbox and share the URL.

You may have forgotten to check the End Scene box in the Build Settings section.
(Not sure about that)

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