My futuristic rocket-fued car-boat

My attempt to make a car using primitives.
Car Car1


this is by far the most impressive model i have seen today

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Thank you very much.

I love the detail and symmetry you maintained in your care and the cab and angles are great!

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This is awesome! Reminds me of the kinds of whacky creations that spawned from the Spore vehicle creator :wink:

Damn! Wish I had looked at this before I posted my poor attempt. I would have spent more time on mine.

Great work

Thanks, guys.
I appreciate your comments and insights.

Dude, that’s great. How did you get the model to be symmetrical?

I created my cars main body on coordinates 0,0,0, then created details on one side and just copy pasted it on the other using same value negative transform coordinates.
Hope that makes sense.
Thanks for your comment.


Oh, nice. That’s a really smart way to do it.

A really nice looking vehicle. I do like the headlights you created.

Great car!

That looks great… nice work :slight_smile:

hot damn

Thanks, guys.

That is incredible! Amazing job building this… now I feel like I need to up my game when I get home and do the challenge.

Also, just a side note… the front of it reminds me of a frog.

Nice work!

I guess it does remind a frog, lol :smiley:
I am glad my work inspires someone.
Welcome to the community and keep pushing yourself :+1:

Thank you very much.

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