My fixing of the Layout

So, I fixed it like three times, each time I realized I could do it with one less step and tried again.
The third time I found the way to do it with as few steps as possible, and it worked. I am confident not to panic now if something happens to my layout!

I think you did an excellent job of reconstructing the default layout. Several other students seem to have gotten the impression that just returning to the default was all that was required, but I understood that we were to assume the original default had been deleted and try to reconstruct it. As soon as I figure out how to post it, I’ll include a screenshot of my rebuild, as well.

I won’t say I was really efficient, or that I tried to streamline the process as you did, but I can honestly say I did this from scratch. Started with the “asset” file and changed everything back to match the default the best I could.

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