My first unity 3D car!

This is my first car model …It took me a bit long to complete cause i am 100% new to creating models but I enjoyed every second of doing this :slight_smile: .

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I sure do know that feeling. Welcome. I am guessing you built this in Unity? Or did you use a different program such as Blender? I totally recommend these guys Blender course… I haven’t finished it, yet; I intend to, just a whole lot to focus on. I need to finish my bunny rabbit- It seems like I just can never be happy with hair particle systems… All good stuff though. Look forward to what you work on next!

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Thanks! …Yes i used Unity cause i don’t know anything about blender but ill check it out for sure…Thanks again and good luck finishing your bunny rabbit.:slightly_smiling_face:

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Yeah for sure. Lol. The rabbit is way far off from where I am at now. Right now working on programming C# and using Unity in building a few games, so that rabbit probably will be sitting there for some time. Ill have to name it Lucky, as in Lucky if I ever find the time to finish it.

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Congrats man. I kown how use Blender a bit but i will do my models in this course in Unity. But your car is very good. Hope mine go as well as yours.

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Thank you so much. hope you do well too :slightly_smiling_face:

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