My first time using Blender

This was my very first go at using repeat objects in Blender. I modelled a very simple version of my room. I have no idea how to model curves or fabric or pretty much anything other than the standard mesh objects and colours yet, but it was a heap of fun and I really enjoyed playing with the lighting :slight_smile:

Question - this is a Cycles render - why is it all grainy in the render? Is this something to do with my machine? My computer is really old…

I can’t wait to continue on this course. Everyone here has made some really beautiful stuff.


It’s because of the low light and low Cycles render samples.
Cycles calculates light rays, the number of rays (samples) and the intensity of the light source determine is a pixel has received enough light (value, saturation).

See Cycles render is grainy

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Bravo Brawini !!!:slight_smile:

Very effective use of basic shapes.
Grainy, is a samples issue, that is easiest to overcome by checking the 'denoise option. It’s is also a big 4k image, you may need to check you are rendering to the desired output size too?

Hi NP5, thank you I tried checking the denoise option and it made a little bit of difference.

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Thanks FedPete, I will try and light my scenes up more in future :slight_smile:

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