My first street scene

Added some people and buildings for my first scene. First time to use Unity and had some trouble getting everything landed on the ground. Any tips for that? Thanks in advance.

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Hah I love the different sizes in little people.

I found out a few things that helped me put things in place.

  • The easiest and probable something that always works is adding a floor plane game object and put/ line everything up on that. (You might want to add a new material with a custom color to drag from your assets onto the plane so your whole scene doesn’t become white.)
  • You can set the Y value the same for everything, although for different prefabs that didn’t line them up for me, and I havent figured out why.
  • When you hold control down it snaps to grid while moving objects. (Or for rotating 45/90/180 degrees)
  • When you press 2 you toggle a side view, and can line everything up that way,
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