My first solo

Let me know your comments - what are the improvements I could introduce in this code. This asks for a level and then a passwords and congratulates if they match.

public class Hacker : MonoBehaviour //Class
// Start is called before the first frame update
// Game state - use global variables to hold state of the game but do not abuse and overuse
int level;
enum Screen { MainMenu, Password, Win }; // all of these are the only possible values for enum Screen
Screen currentScreen; // defining enum screen with a value of ‘MainMenu’
string passwordOne = “pass1”;
string passwordTwo = “pass2”;

void Start() //Function/Method

void ShowMainMenu()
    currentScreen = Screen.MainMenu;
    Terminal.WriteLine("The objective of this program is");
    Terminal.WriteLine("to hack into one of the following:");
    Terminal.WriteLine("Press 1 for the library");
    Terminal.WriteLine("Press 2 for the police station");
    Terminal.WriteLine("Press 3 for the NASA");
    Terminal.WriteLine("Enter your selection: ");
void OnUserInput(string input)
    if (input == "menu")
    else if (currentScreen == Screen.MainMenu)
    else if (currentScreen == Screen.Password)

private void PasswordCheck(string input)
    if (level == 1)
        if (input == passwordOne)
            Terminal.WriteLine("Correct password");
        else if (input != passwordOne)
            Terminal.WriteLine("Incorrect password, try again");
    else if (level == 2)
        if (input == passwordTwo)
            Terminal.WriteLine("Correct password");
        else if (input != passwordTwo)
            Terminal.WriteLine("Incorrect password, try again");

void RunMainMenu(string input)
    if (input == "1")
        level = 1;
        Terminal.WriteLine("You have chosen level " + level);
        currentScreen = Screen.Password;
    else if (input == "2")
        level = 2;
        Terminal.WriteLine("You have chosen level " + level);
        currentScreen = Screen.Password;
        Terminal.WriteLine("ERROR - Please choose a valid level");
    Terminal.WriteLine("Please provide password :");

void StartGame()
    Terminal.WriteLine("Congratulations! You have chosen your level and typed in correct password");

Disregard in code comments - some are outdated.

Hi there!
As for me first time i made separete function wich was assigning password by checking lvl inputed, but it was abit messy and big , so i decided to mannually assign password same as in video where we assigning LVL, made it much smaller and i got this :slight_smile:

void CheckPass(string input,string pass)

    if (input == pass)
        Terminal.WriteLine("Congrats !Password accepted !");
        currentScreen = Screen.Win;
        Terminal.WriteLine("try again!");
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