My first sculpt

Here’s my first sculpt. I saw Cathy’s awesome elf and felt inspired to put some extra effort into this one.

I started sculpting with a mouse, but I soon changed to a drawing tablet. It made the sculpting easier. The skin looked a bit plasticy, so I added a simple skin texture generated with nodes. The eyes are also procedurally done. Both were done with a little help from youtube tutorials. I also got some good advice from the people in the Discord to help with the sculpting.


It looks very nice. Just the shape of the eyes is odd I think. Looking at images, the high point of the top arch of the top eyelid is over the pupil, yours carries in going higher, creating the google eyes look.

Thanks, that’s something I hadn’t noticed. I’ll look into it.

I don’t think they look odd so much as they make her look like an anime character, rather than a human figure. Anime characters, at least the ones I’ve always seen, seem to always have large eyes.

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Yes, I did realise the shape of the eyes made her look like a character, but couldn’t pinpoint the reason.

Yes you are quite right. However I felt the sculpt was not aimed at anime but more realistic. I suspect the trouble is so many cartoon game characters are now made google eyed while not even remotely anime genre, it may be distorting perception!

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