My first pyramid

I am almost 12 years old so this is what I got


It’s looking good, but it’s such a small render it’s hard to see any of the details you put into it. Maybe you can upload a larger image so folks can get a better look at what you’ve accomplished.

Meanwhile, welcome to the Community, and I hope you continue to show us your progress during the course. :slight_smile:


Just fixed it! Thanks for the feedback

It looks great.Nice added details on the top.And welcome to the community dude. :joy:

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Thanks, I’ve been doing Blender for almost 2 months and I am not even 12 yet


EXCELLENT! Now everyone can easily see the details you put into it. :grinning:


Welcome to this site.
Take some time to look around and take part, support, and encourage other students.

Good looking pyramid waiting of it’s steps.

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Just added the stairs!

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