My first Low poly character

Making 6 low poly hero characters for a contest …heres one of 6 …the next 5 will be easier now that i have the style down…


Number 2 and 3 done …



Looking good so far! If you’re feeling adventurous and have enough time when you’re done it might be worth having a look into the Freestyle render, which given you cel-shaded style outlines to your rendered models. If you’re making cartoon style it might fit. It’s not too complicated and works on top of your Cycles rendered output, but might take a little time to get used to and find a line style you like.

Stephen thanks so much for that bit of advice!! I am very new to character modelling and low poly work…i don’t know if i will have time with these characters to look into freestyle as the contest ends soon and i still have 2 characters to finish along with a short animation with them all! But i will look into it for sure after its done … one quick question for you since you know what your doing with all of this…those are screen grabs which have all the stats up the top …re low poly are these characters what you would consider low poly …vert tris count? I know the construction methods were very minimalist just not sure if i made them light enough for say unity or any game engine…

Thanks mate!

They look pretty good, maybe could have a few less, how many vertices have you got in the legs? If you have lots in the legs then you can probably get away with making them blockier. I’m guessing it’s the curved parts that have most of your verts, though. Reducing verts in curved areas can make it look excessively blocky, it’s quite subjective.

Are there any explicit requirements for low poly in the competition rules or is it just a guideline? If there’s no explicit numbers of verts/polys then Iyou should be fine as it is.

Awesome characters! congratulations!

Regarding being low poly, I think that they have too much faces (over 4000), I feel that Low poly characters such as these shouldn’t have more than 1000 faces. One of the main reasons to produce Low Poly models is to have a gain in performance.

Joao hey thanks for that!! damnit I’m so useless at making anything low poly haha i will keep trying lol who would have thought. it so difficult to make something low poly and yet look decent! i will master this yet haha I made a train a few weeks back …started off me trying to make a train in low poly and it ended up being the highest damn poly thing in the universe lol looked cool but totally missed the goal lol

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Remember to be creative with materials/textures, instead of making lots of geometry to allow you to have several materials you’ll be able to have fewer polygons with a similar/the same effect. Are you familiar with UV mapping?

here comes super-elvis! In all seiousness, I’m loving this. Looks really awesome and very nice work there :smiley:

Okay, I have to agree with Aron and I am rooting for a Super Elvis!

@rszarka…great job on these characters. I do hope you win!

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Stephen…thanks a ton for all of your advice on this! So I understand…rather than adding a loop cut or any extra geometry make all the detail possible with textures when creating low poly…i guess with normal maps etc it will still look as if the geometry is there if its done well…thanks mate …i will give that a go next time! And yes i know Uv mapping etc :slight_smile: Im not that great at texturing yet but i know how to do it…

Aron Morgain thanks :slight_smile:

Great Job! @rszarka

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