My first Game State Story Design Diagram

Hi there!
I wanted to share my first Game State Story Design Diagram.

What do you think about it?
I know you can’t see all the text, but you can explore it in the finished game, as soon as it is finished :smiley:
And if you find any grammar mistakes, please point them out to me, as english isn’t my native language.

Greetings Exitus aka Dominik


Awesome, so happy to see that you’ve crafted what looks like a compelling story! Nice work.


Thank you!
My Text 101-Game is finished and i am quite happy about it.
I am more happy to share something that i created, than about the quality of the result from this first experience :smiley:

And this is good, made a lot of fun and i can’t wait to continue the course with you!

For the time beeing i move along with the “Original Series”.


Awesome! Congratulations on publishing your game!

Hey Dominik, I tried your game and really like it - the music is a nice touch.

Your writing style and narrative work well, too, I think. Good stuff!

Inspiration to try to make mine better… :slight_smile:

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