It is very much a WIP, but i’m anxious to show it off. My lovely little elf chick. Guess she’ll need some hair
Looking good!
hmm, do I sculpt brows and lashes, or add them as separate objects? lol i know nothing about this xD
I like your little Elf chick, and look forward to seeing how her development progresses.
great job
I would say it depends on your intended end result. Modeled eyebrows or particle hair ones. A cartoon like one could be modeled a realistic look would need proper hair.
So, this is where i’m at. My GPU can’t handle hair the ‘proper’ way so i’m doing stylized hair, lashes and brows. Feeling some Windranger vibes, but i’ll try to give her some soul and personality
Looking nice,
I am loving the detail on the face! Looking real good!
Not exactly sure what the rules for nsfw are here, just to be safe i hid the important parts. Here’s cycles with some colored lights
With eyes done