My finishing touches of the "URP & Lighting" section of the 2D RPG course

For the finishing touches of the “URP & Lighting” section of the 2D RPG course I created a particle system that spawns small “twinkles” all around the place. Place the prefab on the player so new particles will spawn around him all the time, while staying in the world space so once spawned they stay in their place even when the player moves on.

Since one can’t upload Unity packages here, I put it on the download page of the project:

Since this project is still ongoing and far from being generally presentable at this time, there’s a password on it: “StephenHubbard”.

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I guess I need to disable access to the older builds if no-one cares about the current ones.
But I don’t really want to because this way one can see the progress much better…

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