My Final 3x

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <ctime>

using namespace std;

bool PlayGame(const short int& LevelDifficulty);
void PrintIntro(const short int& LevelDifficulty);
void PrintHint(const short int& CodeSum, const short int& CodeProduct);
bool CheckInput(string& Input);

int main()
	short int LevelDifficulty{ 1 };
	const char MaxDifficulty{ 4 };

	while (LevelDifficulty <= MaxDifficulty)
		bool bLevelComplete = PlayGame(LevelDifficulty);
		//Increase difficulty or close.
		if (bLevelComplete)
			cout << "\nComputer hacked!\nMoving to next level.\n\n";
			LevelDifficulty = 1;

	}// while
	cout << "\nSYSTEM HACKED..\n";

	return 0;

bool PlayGame(const short int& LevelDifficulty)
	// Declate three number code.
	short int ThreeNumberCode[3]{ (rand() % LevelDifficulty + LevelDifficulty), 
		(rand() % LevelDifficulty + LevelDifficulty), (rand() % LevelDifficulty + LevelDifficulty) };
	short int CodeSum{ ThreeNumberCode[0] + ThreeNumberCode[1] + ThreeNumberCode[2] };
	short int CodeProduct{ ThreeNumberCode[0] * ThreeNumberCode[1] * ThreeNumberCode[2] };

	for (rsize_t i = 0; i < 3; i++)
		cout << '\n' << "answer: " << ThreeNumberCode[i];

	cout << '\n';

	// Store players input
	short int PlayersGuess[3]{};
	short int PlayersGuessSum{ 0 };
	short int PlayersGuessProduct{ 0 };

	PrintHint(CodeSum, CodeProduct);
	string Input;
	cout << "\nEnter the correct code: ";
	getline(cin, Input);

	if (!CheckInput(Input))
		cout << "Input is not valid.\n";
		return false;
		char SpaceFound{ 0 };

		if(Input.find(' ') != string::npos)
			PlayersGuess[0] = stoi(Input.substr(0, Input.find(' ')));

		SpaceFound = Input.find(' ') + 1;

		if (Input.find(' ', 1) != string::npos)
			PlayersGuess[1] = stoi(Input.substr(SpaceFound, Input.find(' ', 1)));
		SpaceFound = Input.find(' ', SpaceFound);

		PlayersGuess[2] = stoi(Input.substr(SpaceFound, Input.size() - 1));


		PlayersGuessSum = PlayersGuess[0] + PlayersGuess[1] + PlayersGuess[2];
		PlayersGuessProduct = PlayersGuess[0] * PlayersGuess[1] * PlayersGuess[2];
		// Debug answers
		//cout << '\n' << "Players Guess Sum : " << PlayersGuessSum << " - Players Guess Product: " << PlayersGuessProduct << '\n';
		//cout << '\n' << "Code Sum : " << CodeSum << " - Code Product: " << CodeProduct << '\n';
		//cout << '\n' << PlayersGuess[0] << " " << PlayersGuess[1] << " " << PlayersGuess[2] << '\n';

		if (PlayersGuessProduct == CodeProduct && PlayersGuessSum == CodeSum)
			return true;
			cout << "\nERROR: WRONG CODE.. RESTARING.\n\n";			
		} // PlayGame.. if else.. if else
		return false;
	}// PlayGame.. if else
}// PlayGame
void PrintIntro(const short int& LevelDifficulty)
	if (LevelDifficulty == 1)
		cout << "You are a secret agent breaking into a secure server room.\n";

	cout << "Enter the correct code to continue...\n";
	cout << "Level Difficulty: " << LevelDifficulty << '\n';
void PrintHint(const short int& CodeSum, const short int& CodeProduct)
	cout << "There are three numbers in the code.\n";
	cout << "The code add-up to: " << CodeSum << '\n';
	cout << "The code multiply to get: " << CodeProduct << '\n';
}// PrintHint
bool CheckInput(string& Input)
	int SpaceCount{ 0 };

	for (int i = 0; i < Input.size(); i++)
		if (!isdigit(Input[i]) && Input[i] != ' ')
			return false;
		if (Input[i] == ' ')
	}// CheckInput.. for

	if (SpaceCount == 2)
		return true;
		return false;
}// CheckInput```

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