My Escape Puzzle (that is WAY too complicated)

I made this whole map design for a different game a while ago but I stopped developing the game because I didn’t know how to… develop the game. I took that office map and used it for this puzzle game.

I’ll probably have to simplify it a bunch because there are WAY too many steps for this and that would take a long time to make. One of the rooms doesn’t even have a purpose.

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If you accept the complexity and decide that you’re prepared to give over the amount of time you’d need to realise the design then why is it wrong! A lot of people learn by doing, through having to find out, rather than being told! Perhaps your one of those people :slight_smile:


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P.S I like the fact that one of the rooms has no purpose! It’s classic misdirection games design :wink:

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Aaaaaah right! Good thinking, haha!

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