My enemies' transform component is not accurately represented

I can’t even complete the first step-- that is, attaching an empty game object to my enemies, because the values in the transform don’t accurately represent where they are. If I copy the transform component and apply it to the game value prefab, it appears nowhere near the enemies, and if I make an empty game object and move it over the enemies it has completely different values. Is this a Unity bug? I can’t find anything on google about this.

Hi Will, I hope you have this sorted out by now, but if not:

Check the scale in the transform of the Wave (1) game object. If the Scale is not 1, 1, 1 then the childed enemy ships might appear somewhere else.

Good Luck

Having the same issue here, pasting the component values puts wave (1) seemly in the middle of knowhere off the map, both object have scale of 1,1,1 and showing the same transform values :thinking:

OK so I think I’ve figured it out.

Even though it will mess up your enemies positions do a reset on your Enemy parent folder and all the child object ships to position so everything i moved to 0,0,0 with all the rotation and scaling set to default.

I actually deleted all my enemies and made sure all the prefabs were reset then did this and dragged the ships back into the Enemies folder and repositioned them from scratch.

The copy components now works and places the pasted “Wave (1)” where its supposed to be.

There seems to be a specific order to do things otherwise things can go wrong:

  1. Copy the enemy transform values after positioning correctly.
  2. Add Wave(n) parent object.
  3. Paste transform values into wave parent.
  4. Make corrections to new wave parent transform values (e.g. make scalings 1,1,1)
  5. Copy/Move enemy under wave parent.
  6. Duplicate enemy which is now subsidiary to wave parent.
  7. Move duplacated enemies to their starting positionds.
  8. Make recordings.

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