My dungeon Escape Level


Awesome with sounds in the background. How did you get the objects to stop rotating when you pick hem up?

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In Physics, if you expand the constrains, you can lock the rotation or position


Nice! Which course do you learn level design in? That’s awesome

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Thanks, none in specific, I’ve been doing with the content of this course
trial and error.


Your dungeon looks great!

You posted this in the wrong section, you should post it on the Unreal section, just edit your first post to do so, no need to re-post, that way you could get more feedback on the topic at hand.

i don’t now how that happen, but I can’t edit anymore. the option no longer appears.
should be there:

So this is done in Unreal? I’m in one of the Unity dev courses

yep, i don’t now how that happen and i can’t edit. sorry

@Eriks_Karlinski moved into Unreal thread :slight_smile:

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This is so cool! I hope to see more great work made by you, congrats! :clap: :clap: :muscle: :muscle: :fire:

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I know where you go the dungeon ambient sounds :slight_smile: I used the same and attached the sound to an object in one of my rooms :slight_smile:

nice! i found the sounds in

Really nice, great job!


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