My "Dragon" 3DModel

Hello everyone!

Below is a picture of the 3d model that I have created following this course.

I’ve taken some liberties, I hope you like it and any feedback is more than welcome.

Also, I like to accompany all my creations with a little story, to give more background to the models.

Thank you for watching my model and reading my mini story.

There is a theory, that in the lands in between, where no one lives anymore, there is a creature that only the Dabbern nomads have managed to master.

It has been centuries since the last creature was sighted and since then, it has been considered a myth. Some say it is a dragon, others say it is a horse, but the Dabbern call it Drahorn.

For years explorers have been trying to find one. It is said that in the Nicoldian court the king pays a huge sum of money if someone brings him a live Drahorn. But since the collapse of the ancient societies over a thousand years ago, no one has managed to spot a Drahorn beyond the drawings in encyclopaedias.

Will you be the one to find the legendary animal gaining fame throughout the known land? Maybe…


Very nice Drahorn!

Great bushes, columns, ground too for the setting of the scene.

The Drahorn is a bit small in the image so we do not get a full benefit of the work on it. The objects in it’s world give the impression of a pony sized animal? Not ‘wrong’ but was that the intent? A background, or suitable hdri, would add to the overall scene.


Tanks for your answer!

There is a video I made for youtube, I don´t know if I can put the link here. The image is a Screenshot of the video, thats why you can´t see the model in all its glory.


Love the story behind the scene!
Great looking Drahorn!The grass,ground and the old columns looks amazing.
Amazing job.


Yes, YouTube links are fine here.


So, as asked, here is the link to the video I made:

Also, a new render of the model but this time near:

Thanks for all the coments and feedback.


The close up render looks much cooler.And nice animation.

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