My doorway vs. The Arch

This is the doorway that took me less than ten minutes to model.

And here is the arch that I followed along with the course…


Window frame, for bottomless door frame remove one side. Made in a minute.

Add Mesh: Extra Objects, add on in preferences if it is not already enabled as your standard set up.

Showing one in this first image previously added and easily rotated and dragged up to make a door. But principally shows where to find it once the add on is enabled.

The panel bottom left settings to use, it starts as a more configurable torus. Highlighted square frame is result. Goes wonky if V segs 4, which seems more logical no idea why. Results in an extra loop on the outside which is easy to deal with, remove if needed. Obviously Radii can be set to size wanted, or just scale etc. after creation.

Never actually used it for a purpose just found it while playing about a while back, thought if I ever need window frames!

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