Hello all,
Taking on Ben’s challenge for an extra difficulty level, I choosed to try and do it, I believe i have archived what was intended.
I created another method in the main.cpp file, called GetGameDificulty, that returns an int32 that is the length of the word chosen by the user.
int32 GetGameDificulty(FBullCowGame &BCGame)
int32 length = 0;
constexpr int32 MAX_LENGTH = 8;
std::cout << "Please choose the size of the hidden word(from 1 to 7): ";
std::cin >> length;
if (length < 1 || length > MAX_LENGTH)
std::cout << "Please choose a size between 1 and 7 \n";
} while (length < 1 || length >MAX_LENGTH);
return length;
I “call” this method in PlayGame(), before calling BCGame.reset(), and I changed reset() to need an int value so it can access the TMap position that is returned by the SetHiddenWord() method.
You can see all the code in this github -> https://github.com/CromixPT/Section_02/tree/master/BullCowGame
Hoping for some feedback to where it can be improved.
Thank you,