My Desk Lamp

Sometimes it feels like I’m the only one taking this course at the moment.
Anyway, here it is. I had no idea what kind of lamp he wanted. Alladin’s, a desk, a table. This is what I came up with. Note to self: avoid stainless steel materials in the future, they are a pain.


Good jop, And no you are not alone :smile:


Your lamp looks fine, nice realistic heat venting at the shade top. I suspect the course did not specify too much so people come up with their own variations, which you could see in other posts.

Far from alone, there have been several lamps related posts recently.


You’re not alone!

I love the stainless steel look.


many people will start the course and somewhere before the end, they wander off.
I’ve not seen many people finishing, but maybe to the the course change from 2.79 to 2.8.
I did the old one 2.79, took me a year.


I still taking it because my pc don’t run 2.8


That’s a pity. Because 2.79 course is still good. But the UI is changed and Blender improved. You miss the benefits of Eevee, etc. Personally I stayed a while at 2.79, because I couldn’t make the UI switch to 2.80. Didn’t want to learn Blender again.

I’m using Win7, no problems with Blender. I know NVidea cards could be a problem? Maybe try the newest blender version ? To check if problem solved.

Good luck.

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That’s what I’m facing :disappointed:

Is this at startup of Blender ? or when starting to render?
I had this problem also, back then … but with the lastest blender versions. No problems.

Because you can switch render devices !
Switch to none, if OpenCL doesn’t work.

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No, this Is at startup of Blender

Did you overwrite the old blender version.
or just copying the new version in a different folder?

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No, Just installing blender 2.8 normally

WOW, everyone, from the bottom of my heart, thanks!!! :smile:

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I really like your lamp :slight_smile:

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