My Dependancies chart

I started struggling when it comes to keeping how all my scripts are working together so took a couple of days to map out my dependencies… what a confusing pile of spaghetti! just finished it up and wanted to share with the community

Each of the Scripts is color-coded based on their namespace:

  • Grey = Cinematics
  • Red = Combat
  • Lavender = Control
  • White = Core
  • Orange = Magic
  • Sky Blue = Movement
  • Yellow = Saving
  • Light Green = Scene Management
  • Dark Blue = Scriptable Object
  • Dark Green = Stats

that’s gorgeous

Damn, looks like a big piece of jobe done there!

At some point a larger project simply might hit a complexity where you can’t stuff everything into a single diagram and still get a readable result for the dependency tree…

If you look at the color-codes you will see that there is a certain flow from namespace to namespace.

I’m just wondering what the orange squares represent in your diagram?
It does seem to contain stuff from a bit later in the course or from your project that’s not part of the course itself, too…

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