My Current Yeti Sculpt

It’s been awhile since I been on game dev tv. I’ve been working on an rpg game for about a year maybe I’ll show it off sometime the demo is out! Anyway i took a quick break from gamedev to get back to sculpting. He’s a work in progress and his head is too small but im pretty proud of the muscle detail. Let me know what you think.

Here’s a link to the timelapses of me making him.


Cool! The small head and huge proportions instantly made me think of bullymongs from Borderlands 2:

Sometimes these “oversights” can turn into a feature =)


bullymongs looks amazing. Whoever sculpted him is a master. I agree with you, sometimes unrealistic proportions can make things look better in other ways. That’s why i did a small head because it makes his body gigantic.


Looking good.

Why is it fantasy creatures get made ‘muscle bound’? Look at a Gorilla. Real beasts do not look like weird human extremists who spend their lives in weight training.

Not a criticism just a general thought, and potential different looks to powerful monsters. If it is twice your size it needs no bigger muscles than it uses to move anyway, to rip you to bits.


Very good point there. It’s definitely not a realistic aproach. I guess artists are just going for crazy aesthetics to exagerate the look.


This is a super cool idea and it is looking good, overall. I know this is a fantasy creature, but for the next round of improvements (if you’re going to continue refining), I’d study muscle anatomy a bit more closely. The character’s muscles look bulbous and misshapen, but not intentionally, as if it was the character’s design. Things to think about - is this character supposed to be menacing? Cute? Silly? Terrifying? Right now, the character doesn’t fall into any category - and this may be due to your current skill level. We’re all beginners and you’re doing a great job on this. I am hoping to help push you further by giving some constructive criticism. The claws on the feet look almost balloon-ish - they may be a bit large on the creature - how would the creature be able to properly walk on those?
Is this creature sinewy - all muscle and little fat? Or are there areas of the body that should have fat? Right now, the whole body, while large, isn’t well defined. Perhaps there are areas of the arms and legs that can be slimmed and sculpted while others are exaggerated and rounder to create a better sense of this creature’s strength and proportions?
I want to reiterate that you’re going a great job and I hope you continue working in Blender - whether on this creature or others in the future. Each character you do, you will find yourself improving immensely.


Thank you so much for the advice. I think 90% of the issues have to do with the blockout of the sculpt. Like his fingers,toes, and arms being too bubbly. Unfortunately at this stage of detailing I dont know if i can even change the shape but i do plan on sculpting out more detail on his arms, legs, hands, and feet. However this is a good example of how important a blockout can be. I really apreciate this advice and i look forward to using it on future characters.


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