My corridor after some material changes

Been att it with the materials, adding some bumps from the original texture converted to a grey scale value with a color ramp and used the same map for the roughness.


A great way to mix material nodes.
It’s like an old hospital …?

Was not the intention, but yeah it could be a basement corridor from a hospital.

I Added some more (actually the sample after the toxic barrels part, which is also the last part of this part of the course) stuff to the scene.

Added the barrels as instructed,
added a poster on how to deal with dangerous materials,
added a protection box to the lights which are pretty much normal nowadays,
added an electric box with a low intensity red light as indicator that the door is closed
and the power cables come from it to power the lamps.

And now on to the next part of the course, thanks for all the likes and comment(s)!


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