My code so far

#include "BullCowCartridge.h"

void UBullCowCartridge::BeginPlay() // When the game starts


    PrintLine(TEXT("The Hidden Word is: %s."), *HiddenWord);//Debug Line

void UBullCowCartridge::OnInput(const FString& Input) // When the player hits enter
    else//Checking PlayerGuess
        if(Input == HiddenWord)// is word equal to hidden word
            PrintLine(TEXT("You Guessed it!"));
            if(Input.Len() != HiddenWord.Len())
                PrintLine(FString::Printf(TEXT("The hidden word is %i letters long. \nyou have lost!"),HiddenWord.Len()));// Magic Number

//Guess HiddenWord
 //Player guess
  //Check if isogram(no repeating letters)
   //Check if right amount of characters  
    //show lifes left

//If not guessed?
 //Remove life

//if guessed?
 //Keep Life

//No lives?
 //Game Over
  //Show Hidden Word
   //Guess again?

//Has lives?
  //Play again?

void UBullCowCartridge::SetupGame()
    PrintLine(TEXT("Welcome to the Bull-Cows game,\na game where you guess words."));

    HiddenWord = TEXT("cake");
    Lives = 6;
    bGameOver = false;

    PrintLine(TEXT("Guess the %i letter word"),HiddenWord.Len());
    PrintLine(TEXT("Press 'Tab' and type your guess.\nPress 'Enter' to confirm...."));//prompt player to play againn
void UBullCowCartridge::EndGame()
    bGameOver = true;
    PrintLine(TEXT("Would you like to play again?\nIf so, press 'Enter' to continue......."));

here is a screenshot of winning the game

here is a screenshot of failing the game.

The cows don’t look too happy

If you are thinking that i didn’t change the hidden word, i changed it from Around to cake

The game looks different because i messed around with post process volume as i know unreal for a year now.

The Course is really helpful, thank you

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Haha are the cows angry or into Bitcoin?

1 Like

Both lol

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