My code for the Solo Challange

It took me a while to finally make something work. There are way too many if statements as well. Hopefully, we’ll clean up the code soon. I didn’t watch the video yet so I don’t know if my version is good.
Edit: Yeah my version is a lot more complicated than Ben’s.

public class Hacker : MonoBehaviour
    //Game state: availble everywhere
    int level;
    enum Screen { MainMenu, Password, Win };
    enum Level { LevelZero, LevelOne, LevelTwo };
    Screen currentscreen;
    Level currentlevel;

    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        string username = "Hello " + System.Environment.UserName + "!" + " Thank you for your purchased of Hacker McHack 9000."; //2) Define the varible further if needed.
        ShowMainMenu(username); //3)Call the Function

    void ShowMainMenu(string username) //1) Declare that the function exist. Declare the that varible exist.
        currentscreen = Screen.MainMenu;
        currentlevel = Level.LevelZero;

        Terminal.WriteLine(username);// 1.1) Tell the function how to use the varible.
        Terminal.WriteLine("Here you can hack into anyone's mind");
        Terminal.WriteLine("and control them remotely from home!");
        Terminal.WriteLine("Who would you like to hack into today?");
        Terminal.WriteLine("Press 1 for Baby");
        Terminal.WriteLine("Press 2 for Teenager");
        Terminal.WriteLine("Press 3 for Scientist");
        Terminal.WriteLine("Press 4 for Your Cat ((ΦωΦ))");
        Terminal.WriteLine("Enter your choice: ");


    //Should decide how to handel the input, not actually do it
    void OnUserInput(string input)
        if (input.ToUpper() == "MENU")
            ShowMainMenu("Welcome back to the main menu " + System.Environment.UserName);


        else if (currentscreen == Screen.MainMenu)
            RunMainMenu(input); //passes input to the MainMenu state 

        else if (currentscreen == Screen.Password)
            RunPassword(input); //Passes on input to the RunPassword function where the passwords will be processed.  

    void RunMainMenu(string input)
        if (input == "1")
            level = 1;
            currentlevel = Level.LevelOne;
        else if (input == "2")
            level = 2;
            currentlevel = Level.LevelTwo;

        else if (input == "3")
            level = 3;

        else if (input == "4")
            level = 4;

        else if (input.ToUpper() == "I DON'T HAVE A CAT")
            Terminal.WriteLine("Then we'll hack into your neighbour's cat instead!");

        else if (input.ToUpper() == "BEEP BOOP")
            Terminal.WriteLine("Beep Beep Boop Bop Boop Beep Beep");

        else if (input.ToUpper() == "I DON'T WANT TO PLAY")
            Terminal.WriteLine("Okay so...");

        else if (input.ToUpper() == "BOO")
            Terminal.WriteLine("⊂(•̀_•́⊂ )∘˚˳°");

        else if (input.ToUpper() == "MEOW")

            Terminal.WriteLine("Please select an actual level ಠ_ಠ");

    void StartGame()
        currentscreen = Screen.Password;
        Terminal.WriteLine("You have selected Level " + level);
        Terminal.WriteLine("Please enter the password");

    void RunPassword(string input)
        if (currentlevel == Level.LevelOne)
            if (input.ToUpper() == "RAINBOW" || input.ToUpper() == "SISTER")
                Terminal.WriteLine("You are correct");
                Terminal.WriteLine("You are incorrect. Try again");

        else if (currentlevel == Level.LevelTwo)
            if (input.ToUpper() == "GEOMETRY" || input.ToUpper() == "MITOSIS")
                Terminal.WriteLine("You are correct");
                Terminal.WriteLine("You are incorrect. Try again");
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