My Code for GetValidWords()

hi below is my :GetValidWords() function ; it return void and loads the words from txt file directly filtering IsIsogram and length criteria using lambda…
I think there is no reason to make a copy & return TArray from GetValidWords() because it already loads the words into a member variable which i called WordList (which is Isograms in the class).

I used LoadFileToStringArrayWithPredicate() function which reads the text file and loads it to member variable Wordlist and uses a predicate to select the words. This is UE4.25 version.
My version of lambda is a little different than show in the next section. It captures “this” to be able to use IsIsogram() member function.

 auto result=FFileHelper::LoadFileToStringArrayWithPredicate(WordList, *WordListhPath, 
      [this](const auto& word) {return IsIsogram(word) && word.Len() <= 8 && word.Len() >= 4; });

The result is a bool and i also used UE_LOG() if the file cannot be read for debugging purposes.
My code also used FStringView while passing the Input into functions to avoid copying. This is a 4.25 feature as well. So i tried to optimize as much as i can;

void UBullCowCartridge::GetValidWords()
    const FString WordListhPath = FPaths::ProjectContentDir() / TEXT("WordList/WordList.txt");
    //FFileHelper::LoadFileToStringArray(WordList, *WordListhPath);
    auto result=FFileHelper::LoadFileToStringArrayWithPredicate(WordList, *WordListhPath, [this](const auto& word) {return IsIsogram(word) && word.Len() <= 8 && word.Len() >= 4; });
    // Error message if the file is not loaded
    if(!result) UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("File Not Found %s"), *WordListhPath);

Here is my BullCowCartridge.h file for reference ;

class BULLCOWGAME_API UBullCowCartridge : public UCartridge

	virtual void BeginPlay() override;
	//virtual void OnInput(const FString& Input) override;
	virtual void OnInput(FStringView Input) override;
	void SetupGame();
	void EndGame();
	void ProcessGuess(FStringView Guess);	// Guess=Input
	void GetValidWords();
	bool IsIsogram(FStringView Guess) const;

		FString HiddenWord;
		int32 Lives{0};
		bool bGameOver{false};

I love how you incorporated a lambda function into Bull Cow Game. @Aaron_Stackpole would be proud of you!

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Thank you :slight_smile: This is great course & community :+1::+1:

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