My Cockpit

I was a bit afraid with this when I tried to get a reference (they all had wide tubes and directions), so I get no idea what I was doing. But I get myself a cat at the end rsrsrs :joy_cat: :joy_cat:


Good start.

You may have some problems with internal geometry at the front bottom area.

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thanks :blush::blush:

ohhh :confused: so it’s better if I undo it? and how I undo it when I already at the body?

It is hard to know what effect you were after, I imagined you wanted that slot effect in the reference. However currently it looks liek the front is still covered over with faces, but you havemade the geometry to be the slots.
Is this effect what you intend? You could get there by deleting some of the faces covering the front and angled side.

Yes, yeees :star_struck: this is the efect I wanted, gonna try to fix it right now

I’m back rsrs… I couldn’t undo the thing I did earlier, but I managed to get it thicker, I think it’s look better then before


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