My church with some materials

Here is what my church became. I’m not perfectly pleased with the materials. So might revisit this later on when I know more about materials.

The Church looked a bit empty so I tried adding a drain pipe. I feel that added to it and I should add that to the other parts of the roof as fell. I also added a cross on top so that something happens there too.
Then I added som depth of field.

I like the lighting inside the church that shines though the door, and I’m rather pleased with how the model looks.


I believe the drain pipe really adds depth to the church! Nice idea!

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Thank you, I think so too I will probably add more of those to other parts of the model too

Can’t wait to see what else you make :slight_smile:

I added another drain pipe, edited the roof material (still not happy about it but I think it’s better)

Changed the lighting to have a dim sunlight with a yellowish color.

I will also later on change the surrounding material to be more grassy than it is now


Good update, keep tweaking bits as they occur to you.
Perhaps a side porch and door on the area with no windows?

Thank you @NP5 good ideas.

I added (I don’t know what it’s called in english) a gravel border around my church as well. Felt weird having the grass all the way up to it


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