My Building Escape

Hi All,

After taking help with the discussions here, on the unreal forum, these are the additional things tried:

  1. Using multiple doors with different opening and closing delays and different opening angle (done using blueprint, extending our lecture blueprint) (Using this forum discussions- thanks to all)
  2. Using multiple trigger volumes, one for a room, each having its own threshold for opening some door. (Using lecture knowledge)
  3. Pawn overlapping one of the trigger volume is used to toggle light control for one room and turn off light after a delay. (Using unreal forums, google)
  4. Using concept of material instance from this forum to create instance of hex pulse roofing for both rooms which are parameterized on U-V values. (Using this forum and unreal documentation on material instances)

Here is the game play. Any general feedback will help! thanks. The second room has a glass in front of the door :wink: so you cannot escape through that!!

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